Belinda's Journey: At The Centre Of Women's Health

This week Rockhampton poet Belinda Hemmens is sharing her very personal mental health journey with us.  Today's installment is inspired by a place that's been a great help to Belinda: the Rockhampton Women's Health Centre.


At The Centre of Women's Health

part four

I know a place close to my heart,
I'd love to share it from the start.
Maybe you’ve heard or come across,
Or needed help when you felt lost.
A happy place that just makes sense,
Release your pressure that makes you tense.
Maybe you feel depressed, or angry, or have been abused,
And turned to others and been refused.
See this Is a story of will and recovery,
A story of kindness the way it should be.
So It starts with helplessness, a journey too real,
This is my story, the moment I heal.
It’s not just a centre where you go to vent,
Or hate on people who you resent.
Its my safe place, the place i never feel weird,
A place for women where we never feel fear.
I have met some friends and one who for sure,
Cares about me, I am never a chore.
Alicia changed my life you see,
Her knowledge, her compassion, it was meant to be.
I know you feel scared, but there are places to go,
People like Alicia and Women's Health help you grow.
In every town you will find this place,
Women's health, your safety space.
Look them up for your mental health, to ease that pain,
Women's health, the place you can feel sane.
It's not the place where you will need wealth
Let's get to the centre of women's health.

- Belinda Hemmens

Part five in this series will be posted on Friday morning.

If this poem has stirred up bad feelings or traumatic memories for you, please take care of yourself.  If you need to talk, please reach out - to a trusted friend or family member, or one of the organisations below: